
Akano's Best Shot
The men Selorin chose were handsome,
sexual, fascinating creatures, and he wanted to be
one of them.
The barn was dark, but light shone
through cracks here and there, providing just enough
illumination for Kotiro to realize that Poru was
kissing Prince Desin, and Desin was definitely
kissing back.
Days of Endearment
It was the perfect time to be with
Linu, and Totoni held him close, cherishing the
A Special Gift
“Say my name,” Benuto whispered, so
close that Ket could, yes, taste him. “Say it to me.
Say it while I’m on you, say it when you’re in my
He was beautiful. He was perfect.
The long, elegant lines of his body were everything
that Tomi had dreamt of.
The Bridge
“Hello, there!” the farmer cried,
waving, happy to see someone who could help.
“We are travelers on our way to the capital!
We have young children and there is no bridge! Will
you help us to cross?”
Beautiful Boy
It had been the work of a lifetime
to bring her to this moment.
(available to subscribers only)
Start Without Me
He’d always enjoyed being
manhandled, and this was certainly a man who could
handle him.
Pass the Hour
He knew better than this, he knew
how wicked the men in the sulatim belam were.
A Painter’s Tale
“I lost myself in your passion.”
A Brother's Tale
No one had ever said anything
remotely like that to Ouneaoaunaeat before, which
was his excuse for why he just sat there, stunned
into slack-jawed silence.
A Warrior's Tale
It is better to share with our
enemies than to bury our dead, his father said.
“Think on that, T’rin, and speak to me again
when you agree with it.”
A Commander's Tale
“I would have taken all of him into me, or
given all of myself to him, if only I could.”
An Ambassador’s Tale
He had to get away. He had to
be on the move.
Royal Greetings
I await your future correspondence
with interest.
Welcome to Orikodisata
Silver. His eyes were silver.
Their first night back in Nosupolis,
Bade and Orinakin were treated to a long,
celebratory dinner.
A Prince’s Tale
“Forgive me, Your Highness. I thought
that if you desired me, you would ask for me.
I should have realized that it was my duty to come
to you. I would’ve been here long ago, if I’d
The Cabin
A soft, sexy murmur:
“I know what
you’re thinking.”
A Senator’s Tale
“It might be nice to wait until after the campaign.” He wanted to trail his fingers along Avur’s smooth neck. “So that I can dedicate myself to you without other distractions.”
A Judge’s Tale
“If it would amuse you, you may take your pleasure now. Shall we make our way to your chambers?”
A Vizier’s Tale
“I wish,” he said, and he was excited, terrified, hot, shaking, desperate, “not to leave your presence until my performance has satisfied you.”
Another Judge’s Tale
Coloring prettily, Gael moved back a step as if disturbed to be near someone who would allude to something so provocative. “I am not interested in perusing something so blatantly sexual in nature.”
Go North
“What color are your eyes?” “Purple,” Orinakin said. “I’m kind of famous for it.”
(from book purchases)
His voice was low and seductively
“You remember me.”
(This story available only in In This Land:
The Purple Book, Volume One, available
Asaku gave him a big, warm hug, and
he hugged back, snaking his arms around Asaku’s neck
and nuzzling his nose against Asaku’s cheek. Mmm, I
have a lot of blessings left, he murmured, smiling.
Want some?
(This story available only in In This Land:
The Purple Book, Volume Two, available
The Legend of Bulan and Mjesec
Mjesec stole through the night with
his wicked, gleaming eyes.
(This story available only in In This Land:
The Purple Book, Volume Three, available
Play Along
“I would completely melt if someone
would be so kind as to rub my feet for me.”
(This story available only in In This Land:
The Purple Book, Volume Four, available
First Kiss
Talin’s fingers lazily twisted a
lock of Anosanim’s hair.
“How many guys have told you they’re in love
with you?"
(This story available only in the
exclusives section; username and password found
at the end of In This Land: The Purple Book,
Volume Four, available
Breaking into uncontrollable
giggles, Orinakin looked up with a helpless and
amused expression.
“I think you have to fuck me with your boots
(This story available only in In This Land:
The Purple Book, Volume Five, available

Each volume of The
Purple Book includes a brand-new short
story and access to on-line exclusives as
well as edits and revisions not available

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An intro to "In This Land"Bade, prince
of the tiny, overlooked country of Nosupolis, doesn't have a
plan for his life. His ambitious older brother Tiko, heir to the
throne, seems to have everything under control without Bade or
his twin brother's help. Bade hopes to marry well and find some
way to be a credit to the crown, but never in his wildest dreams
does he expect an invitation to court the Pharaoh of Orina
Anoris, the divine ruler of the most powerful country in the
world. Bade always thought that Tiko would be the one to change
their homeland for the better, but now he has a chance to wed
the pharaoh, ally their two nations through marriage, and do
more for Nosupolis than anyone in centuries.
Suddenly whisked away by Prince Orinakin, royal diplomat and
handsome purple-haired child of the gods, Bade finds himself in
an exotic land that dazzles his senses and opens his eyes like
never before. The people of Orina Anoris are uninhibited,
expressive, flirtatious, and don't seem to know the meaning of
sexual repression. The handsome Seven Siblings are no exception.
Boyfriends, lovers, harems--it boggles Bade's mind to witness a
freedom he never even imagined.
But the endless parade of beautiful men pales in comparison to
the Pharaoh Anosukinom. Tall, gorgeous, and physically flawless,
Anosukinom's beauty is literally perfection. And if that weren't
enough, the rumors are true: he really is both god and man.
Crackling with power, intimidating yet friendly, he is as
unconventional as he is traditionally Anorian. Daunted in the
face of his divinity, Bade isn't sure if he can win the heart of
a deity, but at the very least he hopes to bring attention to
the plight of his ignored, forgotten country.
After being exposed to a vibrant, colorful new world, nights of
sizzling passion, and the possibilities of true love, how can
Bade face the thought of being rejected and returning home? Will
he be able to win the pharaoh's heart and finally help his
Experience the rich, luxurious fantasy world of Orina Anoris
only in Matthew Haldeman-Time's series, "In This Land," and
watch as eight handsome brothers try to balance ruling a nation
with finding true happiness. Find out what happens to Bade,
Anosukinom, and the sexiest siblings in the world. Click
here to begin the erotic journey of a lifetime.

